What’s going on


Ok so I’m 10 days late or maybe more and I really don’t know what’s going on. Af was suppose to come 12/29 nothing I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend the 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd during I believe was my fertile days on the 30th I had light pink spotting that I could only see while wiping and the spotting was on and off for 2 days I been cramping like crazy and I don’t know why my Af is not hear yet I have a doctors appointment but it’s on the 24th on this month to much long of a wait. Apparently if I am pregnant 🤞🏽then that makes me up to 7-8 weeks pregnant when the 24th comes... please wish me luck or give me advice I have not taking a pregnancy test yet I want to wait it out til the 24th if af happens before that then it happens if not then wish me luck because I’m so confused. If I am pregnant then that’s make me a first time mommy 🤗. I have lower back pain, cramping in weird areas, and my breast is starting to get sore now but mainly my nipples they are very sensitive. I need help😓