Starting solids?


So I see a lot of people posting that they’ve already started solids. I was very strict about we were going to wait until 6 months to start solids but we went to our four month appointment today ( two weeks late due to holidays) and the doctor told us to go for it. My daughter is showing “signs” she is very interested in foods, she will reach and grab for the food on my plate, she watches us eat, she responds to the smell of food, and she has great head control. We have let her lick a piece of watermelon once, and she tried to shove it into her mouth and her tongue thrust reflex seems to be gone. I know these signs don’t 100% mean that they, are totally ready and I also know that it’s not really recommended until 6 months but I also feel like maybe it is time? She will be 5 months on the 20th and if we do introduce solids it won’t be until then as well as we will only be doing it once a day until she’s 6 months. The only other thing I thought of would be to give her breast milk in a teething mesh and or a sippy cup while sitting in her high chair. That way she feels she’s part of meal time but we can push off solids a bit longer. Any advice? FTM and all of the moms around me having older children and of course guidelines have change.