Glucose test tomorrow morning 😭


Ladies, I'm freaking out.

Not even sure why anymore. First it was the blood sample thing because I fainted the last time. Not a very nice experience!

Then I started to worry about being sick from the drink because it's not a very comfortable place I get to stay and the bathroom is really loud so if I ouke it's gonna sound awful for everyone. What an embarrassment that would be!

And then I started freaking out because what if I have GD? Like that would really be awful!

All of the above is uncomfortable but very survivable so I'm not sure why I'm freaking out 🤷🏻‍♀️..

Words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated 😅

Update: So it wasn't that bad at all. Actually it was pretty fine. Unfortunately my blood sugar is in the high end so I'm waiting for lab results now 😔

Hoping for the best 🤞🏻