I'm exploding out of my jeans!!!


I had a mmc that went from 7/2018- 9/2018. Got pregnant a second time and now I'm 11.5 weeks along. I've put on about 10 pounds throughout both pregnancies. My thighs, hips, and butt are about to blow out my jeans. And, I have the teeniest little baby bump. EVERYONE is telling me I shouldn't buy maternity clothes. That I'm jumping the gun. I literally had a pair of scissors ready to cut myself out of my scrubs today. Why are ppl consistently telling me it's way too soon. I mean I cant breath for crying out loud!!!! Okay rant over.. is there anyone else in the first trimester that's gained like me?? All I ever hear is ppl losing weight bc of morning sickness.

Also, I feel incredibly blessed to have gotten pregnant so quickly, but still very nervous I'll lose this one too.