Brazilian wax at 39 weeks ? Yay or nay?


Hi all!

I have been consistently getting a Brazilian wax for the past year or so. I am scheduled to get a wax this week but I am due any day now. My due date is 1/14/19. I am having a vaginal birth if things go as planned. I’m kind of hesitant to get it because I’ve read that the hairs help protect the vagina during delivery but If I wait 6 weeks after delivery, my hair growth will be out of control and most likely more painful to wax. Maybe I’m just overreacting. Should I stick to my schedule and have a freshly wax vagina during delivery? 🤔

Any advice about the Pros or Cons would be appreciated? What would you do?

**Update: I got the Brazilian wax done & I’m glad I did! There was little to no sensitivity afterwards. Usually I’m sore for at least a day or 2. This time it lasted about a day. I look forward to being clean down there when it’s time to deliver. I don’t like the sound of dried blood being entangled in pubic hairs. I didn’t want to risk being overly hairy during my next visit since it seems to be more painful.