Soooo bridesmaid life?


So we’re TTC...and I’m standing up in a wedding in August. I’m not pregnant yet, I’ve never been pregnant, and I’m vaguely plus sized. If all goes as planned I’ll be about 6 months pregnant at her wedding. I also need to order this dress But I’m not pregnant. I have no idea what size I’ll be! I can’t just count the weeks or get an educated guess from a seamstress. A lot of times plus sized people don’t show as much. Around 6 months is where I understand that uterus owners really start showing and having fit problems. While the dress she picked is pretty forgiving, I absolutely have to fit it on that day. No crazy alterations or finding a similar dress in the same color or anything either because this bride really wants us all to match perfectly. Also: if (heaven forbid) I loose the pregnancy I can’t really handle wearing a maternity dress that day and still be focused on my friend and not myself. Any advice? This dress needed to be ordered like...yesterday. Attached is a pic of me in the dress when we first went looking to try them on. I’m about 15lb heavier now.