Back to back chemical pregnancies


I had a chemical pregnancy in November on my second round of Clomid 100 mg.. this was verified by a positive blood hcg test at the doctors which confirmed my pregnancy.. followed by my next beta test showing my hcg dropped from 116 to 5 then bleeding started... then in December my husband and I were away from each other and taking month off Clomid and ttcing but he visited me for 2 days during my ovulation time and guess what I got pregnant again after only having sex with him 3 times the whole cycle... this was confirmed with 15 positive home pregnancy tests which got lighter and lighter then followed by heavy bleeding starting one day after my missed period.. we weren’t even trying to get pregnant that month.. anyways now we are back together and I went ahead and took my next dose of Clomid 100 mg for this cycle of January and I’m so anxious and nervous.. I just thought it was so strange that you can actually have back to back chemicals.. that was heartbreaking 🙁😢 anyone have similar experience