Wedding help!


I’m having a very small budget wedding so I initially didn’t want bridesmaids, just something small. Now I am considering have a few, am I required to pay for their dress, bouquets, etc or are they required to pay for it? Also, I’m having my fiancé’s brothers be groomsmen and their significant others my brides maids. Problem is his younger brother has a gf he just started dating 2 months and I’ve never met her, am I required to make her my bridesmaid too? And if not who will his brother walk down the isle with? I’m not having many bridesmaid, just my 2 sisters and his older brothers wife and the other brothers gf (who I both know since my fiancé and I started dating). I don’t really want the newly gf in all of our intimate photos and have them break up right after the wedding. Now I’m stuck with a stranger in my wedding photos.