I suffer from depression, it’s gotten bad over the past couple of months. And can I just say how incredibly supportive, and strong, my boy is. There have been days where I just cry, over nothing, or burst into tears and can’t stop for hours, or have cuts all over myself and am ashamed, and he just holds me. He tells me he’s there. He tells me it’s okay, and he rubs my back, and he makes sure I’m safe. I don’t even think I can put all of this into words. There was one instance where I had done some things to my legs (I don’t want to trigger anyone, im sorry) and I remember thinking he hadn’t noticed, I don’t know if I really wanted him to, but he pulled up my shorts a little and simply asked “what’s this” I knew he wasn’t stupid, so there was no need to answer. And he was so gentle, and he spoke so softly, and lovingly. I try not to put anything on him, and I certainly don’t want to drag him into my emotional rollercoaster, but there are some days when he’ll ask more questions than usual, and if I respond a certain way he’ll FaceTime me and make me laugh. I don’t know, it’s the little things I guess. But through all the years I’ve gone through this, and all the years people have told me it’s all mental, and that I should get over it, I’ve been alone. We were laying down, and I had started crying because of everything, the stress and the depression and the pain, and he kept asking me to look in his eyes. He eventually looked at me and said “you can’t cry when you’re looking at me”. And it hit me. I have someone. Someone who isn’t going anywhere, who understands, who cares for me. I know this isn’t fair to him, I try to hide it as much as I can, and I apologize so deeply for putting him in those positions. It’s truly unfair. But this boy. This beautiful boy that I love with my entire being, has saved my life more times than I can count, and I don’t think he even knows it.