Ttc with pcos 9w3d missed miscarraige and depression

Ozzy 🇹🇷🇭🇲

Hey ladies. So in june 1 day after my bday i found out i had lost my baby. I was a hot mess. Took me 2 month just to sleep and untill newyears to stop crying so dam hard. Its so hard i know the feeling having no way to stop the pain and what so. I halso have no family or friends as im in istanbul TURKEY and all my life is in melbourne Australia. I hated newyears and spent it at home woth my husband as it was my date to give birth to my baby. Now its all past i feel better i feel like life is starting to help me cope. I have a app. At the lawyers but i felt like pampering myself and im feeling soo good i just felt like i needed to pass on the love to all those struggling to concieve and going thru so much shyt we need to come .up for breaths and breathe and just be us. Btw i am ttc and i just ovulated so maybe im just happy for that also. Sending positive vibes and baby dust to all mwa xox