Suddenly v heavy periods. VENT


I use a menstrual cup and used to empty it every 6-12 hours depending on heaviness. The last few months, I’m emptying it every 2-3 hours. I can’t even SLEEP the first couple of days of af now because I know I’m going to wake up to blood everywhere no matter how big of a pad I use with it. I’m struggling to work even because I’m constantly overflowing and do not have a job where I can attend to my bathroom needs more than a couple of times a day.

I talked to my dr and he doesn’t think it’s a big deal. “Lots of women have heavy periods” but lots of women do not have a period so heavy that it interferes with their ability to sleep and work 🤬

On top of that, it’s gone from 4 days to 8 days and I’m anemic after each cycle. I have no idea what’s changed as I literally went from one month normal cycles to the next month bleeding like I never have in my life.

I wish I could just get pregnant already and put this behind me for a year or so.