Need some serious advice for when due date gets closer


Here’s my biggest stress lately just thinking about the future . What do I do with my 2 and 1/2 year old when I go into labor ??? My mother lives super close to us but if it happens while she’s at work (she works 1 1/2 hours away from home) where do I bring my son? If it’s the middle of the night do I wake him up and bring him to the hospital with us ? I don’t have much help around besides my mother and my husband is obviously going to be with me . I know I’m stressing this way too hard and too soon as my DD isn’t until May 12th but I’m panicked. I feel like my mother is going to have to miss out on this birth and stay home with my son? Ugh my husband is even stressing this because he feels guilty leaving our son for a few days while we are at the hospital . Any suggestions? Like I said there’s really nobody around to help us. What have you moms done with siblings when new baby is coming or what’s your plan?