Omg 🤨me & my boyfriend Been together for a year now

So yesterday me & my boyfriend went to his sons birthday party the whole time we were there his baby mama would just speak to him and not me which idc really 🤷🏽‍♀️ but I had held his son because the baby wanted me to held so once she seen me pick him up she gone say “can you please put him down “ I’m like oh okay 🤷🏽‍♀️ so then it was time for everybody too eat and she was helping fix plates and i offered too help and she was like “no thank you we got it “ so I’m just like ok 🤷🏽‍♀️ so she was busy in the kitchen and my boyfriend had went to the store because they forgot birthday candles so I was feeding their son and she saw me and was like “give him here I’ll have my mom feed him “ mind you she’s 18 🙄 but moral of the story is does it seems like she has a problem with me or something? I haven’t bought it up too my boyfriend just yet