My Christmas Eve Baby 🎄❤️

Jamie • 19 💁🏼‍♀️ diabetic 💉 Kyden James 12-24-18 👶🏼💙 4-15-2017 💑❤️

I know it’s past Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> now but I just wanted to share my story as well 😊 On Sunday December 23rd I knew I felt off but I didn’t know that my baby would be coming the next day.. I started off by going out with my Grandpap to get some cookies for Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> after we got the cookies he took me out for breakfast. I had a HUGE breakfast some eggs, French toast, bacon, sausage and home fries. After eating that I felt very full.. kinda like some pressure in my stomach I thought it was from eating so much. Got home about two hours later my brother begged me to go to pirmantis with him. I went but I didn’t eat anything but two chips and took my sandwich home since I still wasn’t feeling well. Got home took a shower and then took an hour nap after.. I woke up went to go pee and laid back down... then I started to feel some fluid drip 😟 I took it as maybe I didn’t empty my bladder all the way 🤔 but it kept leaking.. I decided to stand up and BAM 💥 a ton of fluid just leaked out.. I was then for sure that my water had broke. That was around 4 PM. I went to the hospital right after that happened. Got to the hospital and that’s when the contractions really started to bother me. They first started by giving me stadol which made me crazy talk for awhile 😂 mainly about how “fish don’t have feet” 😑 finally I got comfortable enough and was able to fall asleep for an hour.. I woke up crying in pain. I wanted to put off the epidural as long as possible because I was scared.. but I eventually got the epidural and fell asleep again this time for about two hours.. I woke up to a doctor telling me it’s time to push. After an hour and fifteen minutes of pushing my little guy was here ❤️ Kyden James Haeussler was born at 5:44 on December 24th weighting 6 pounds and 19 inches long. I was only able to hold him for about 5 minutes until they took him straight down to the NICU 😞

He had one low blood sugar after his first bottle, he was slightly jaundice and he was having trouble eating. He was born 6 weeks early.. his original due date was January 27th. He stayed in the NICU for five days. It was hard being away from him especially when I got sent home on the 26th. On the 30th I got a call that he was getting moved to the pediatric floor and I was allowed to stay with him 😊 I didnt leave that hospital once during his four day stay on the pediatric floor.

On the second day of being on the pediatric floor he was eating well enough that they took his NG tube out 😊

Two days later he got to go home 😊 still giving me trouble with eating at some points but he’s doing well ❤️ I am so happy that he’s home and healthy 😍