10 days late


Hi everyone, I’m 10 days late for my period now, haven’t tested since I was 5 days late and that was a BFN. I’m having so many symptoms of pregnancy like sore boobs that have swelled and have become very veiny, nausea, exhaustion, so emotional, headaches, appetite loss and I’m sooo bloated i keep having to roll my pants down at work lol, but that’s just to name a few but I’m too scared to test again because I don’t want it to be negative, I had a miscarriage last July so this would be my rainbow baby. I’ve tried to check my cervix to see what it felt like but I don’t think I could feel it at all! And I had white CM not creamy but not watery, somewhere in the middle! Anyone else had anything like this and been pregnant? I’m thinking maybe I ovulated late or maybe my HGC is just starting off a bit slow...any advice would be amazing! Going to test again this weekend 🌈