
Molly • Flight RN. Married to 131 🚓

We had a 14 and a 12 week loss in 2018; it was hell. My marriage suffered, my career did as well.... and now I’m left broken.

I had surgery last week to remove adhesions that “may” have been part of the cause I lost both babies; all labs came back normal. I ate great, worked on my feet but rested when I could, I just don’t know. We’ve planned for a baby for SIX years, <a href="">IUI</a>, Clomid, lab after lab, ultrasound after ultrasound, even two speed analysis’s.

We would pick a cute outfit out when we’d find one on sale, we knew our first pregnancy was a girl from the Harmony test and I was so excited I started picking things out and just loving folding tiny socks and outfits. We were given boy things which we kept.

I can’t handle hateful rude comments- if you have one please move on. But has anyone else who’s suffered a loss kept their baby things? It brings me such comfort and hope, but my mother in law calls it morbid. (I don’t care one bit what she thinks.)

Love to all your suffering today and everyday ❤️🌸