Need a friend..

Brenda • Hi guys , I forgot my password on my other glow so had to make a new one 🥰

Okay so like around April I found out I was pregnant it was unexpected.. I was so shook me being honest I was scared.. but my boyfriend & I started getting so happy.. everything was fine I was 23 weeks .. when I found out my baby died in my stomach , they couldn’t find the heartbeat my world just you don’t even understand.. it was in August that happened the next day I gave birth to beautiful boy 😭 yeah I’m young 19 going 20 but it was worst experience of my life and I hate this my child was suppose to be born in December 8th of last month

and it’s like .. I feel empty well that’s the story now my boyfriend and I are trying since last month and I have normal period .. i got my period 3 days ago now I’m done with it.. I don’t want to lose hope at all I just miss my child.. but I don’t feel like I’m replace him if I end up pregnant ugh.. 🥺 thank you for hearing me out.. that’s my baby right there ... I miss him so much his little kicks.. life sucks but I hope this my month to be pregnant I pray to god .