Really want a baby


So backstory, my fiance and I have been engaged since March 2018. We started TTC in May and were TTC until August, then stopped because we didn't want to be pregnant for our wedding, which was supposed to be May 2019.

Well now we are getting married January 19, 2019 because of a family thing. I also just got PRK (vision correction surgery) and they recommend not getting pregnant for 6 months after the surgery just to make sure everything healed correctly.

On top of that, we have 5 different accounts of debt that we have and we would like to pay off 3 of them before having a baby. So, we decided to wait until July 2019 to start actively TTC. However, since August, we have only been using the pull out method to prevent pregnancy.

But still, I'm just really anxious to start a family and every month I secretly hope my period doesn't show up. Can anyone relate?