I need motivation soooo bad 💪

I'm 5'4

122 lbs

19 yo

I have more fat on my body than anything I swear.

My butt is all jiggly like Jell-O and I have cellulite and hip dips

My stomach is small but there's still so much fat on it.

I have love handles that make me just look wide from behind

I have a really small waist but it doesn't matter if my body is all fatty like what.

Before I had my daughter I thought my body was bad but now it's reaaaalllly baaad.

For so long I've wanted to tone my body and build my muscles but I swear every day I am just so worn out that I don't even want to think about exercise. I've had back problems since I had an epidural when I was in labor with my daughter. Is the universe against me🤦 I have a super high metabolism and I've always been skinny. I really want to be the healthy skinny type. Not the lazy skinny girl that isn't supposed to exercise because shes so small so what's the point 🙄. I neeeed to do something but I don't know where to start