1/9 - CD 25 / 8 DPO

🌜⭐| a m a n d a |⭐🌛 • 32-years-young / TTC #1 💍 6.26.07 - Until Forever 💋

Well, I'm back up this morning, though it's still extremely low for me. 😬 This was also 30 min earlier than normal. I don't know what my body is doing, aaand I don't know why I'm even temping 🤣

This is right around the time I get my second rise in progesterone(I think that's what causes it), and my RHR is starting to go up again like normal. RHR has been just as odd as BBT this month. Peaked at 77 (which is close to the highest rhr I've ever logged) right after ovulation and has been dropping since then, though not as much as usual. Hoping rhr and bbt stay up this month... but really not counting on it.