What’s going on in there?


I’m 16w5d and let me start off by saying I’ve had a completely healthy pregnancy this far. I had an ultrasound for the Nuchal Translucency and was told my baby was growing right on track and perfectly healthy, due to some cramping my family doctor sent me for an emergency ultrasound on Monday at 16w3d the ultrasound tech didn’t say a whole lot during this visit and said my uterus was contracting the whole time I was there and couldn’t get many photos. Yesterday I had my first appointment with my OB and she informed me that my ultrasound for the NT test showed that I had Circumvallate Placenta from what I’ve read and heard from other moms it’s not that big of a deal. My OB called me last night at 9:30 right before bed (which was awesome 😠) to inform me that on my 16 week ultrasound it showed a shadow on the left ventricle of the heart, AND a 4mm choroid plexus cyst on the right side of the brain, she didn’t dive much into detail because it was late and over the phone, but she sent me today for bloodwork for the maternal screening to test for trisomy 18 I don’t see her again until beginning of February, and google has me completely panicking.

Has anyone else experienced this or able to offer any insight at all?

Thanks in advance.