Are you proud of your sexuality? Should people be proud of their sexuality? (Read below)


(this topic is ONLY regarding sexuality, NOT gender)

Being LGBTQ+, I see a lot of people who are proud of there sexuality. As Bi/pan and demisexual, I don't know if I can be proud of my sexuality since it is simply the way I was born, its not something I accomplished or worked for. I think people can be proud of other things involving their sexuality, like being open about it or coming out, but I don't know about sexuality itself. A while ago I saw someone genuinely say that they were proud to be straight, and they got immediately attacked for it, people saying it was homophobic and gross (the person has no bad feelings towards LBGTQ+ people though). Recently I saw someone who is Asexual say they are proud for being being Ace, and a lot of the feed back was ”this is shaming sexual people” or ”your not any better because you don't have sex”. Both of those things struck me wrong, and pushed me to inquire about this. I personally haven't made up my mind on the topic, so what do you think?

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