suddenly stopped liking someone? is it just a phase?


long post, so sorry in advance!

me and this boy have been really close friends for like six months. we hung out almost every day to the point where i knew all of his friends and family, and vice versa.

but the past couple of weeks have been weird. i got the vibe that he was starting to like me, and i didn’t mind because i was starting to like him too.

so inevitably, we ended up cuddling and holding hands and kissing. it was good for a few days, and i felt like every time we hung out i started to like him more, and the feeling was mutual. our conversations were great, we clicked, and i could have fun literally doing nothing with him.

but then like a week after we first kissed i just kinda stared losing interest in him for some reason. now whenever we hung out it’s kind of awkward, and conversation is more forced and not as good as before. it’s like the spark was lost, and i don’t know what happened!

i talked to him about it and he feels that way too. we really liked each other for a few days, but then both simultaneously stopped liking each other all of a sudden.

this was really disappointing because i think that he’s a super amazing guy, and i think we could be a great couple. but for some reason we just stopped liking each other? i don’t know if this is just an off day or some kind of weird phase, because it is quite possible that i could wake up tomorrow and completely change my mind and like him again.

because we couldn’t decide if we actually liked each other or not we decided it’s probably best to just be friends. i really really hope it’s not awkward with him after this because he’s one of my best friends and i don’t want this to ruin anything! should we just pretend it never happened?

so my questions to you all are:

has this ever happened to you? was it just a phase, or did you really stop liking them?

if this or something similar has happened to you was it difficult or awkward to just be friends with someone after being romantically involved with them?

i am SO confused, i’ve never randomly stopped liking someone so suddenly, please give me your feedback!