

So, I have a dilemma that hopefully you guys can help me with.

Backstory: I have this friend. We've been friends for something like 7 or 8 years (since high school). He is my best guy friend. Recently we decided to try starting a relationship, and it's hard because he lives in Seattle for work and I live here in NC. I know he's moving back sometime soon, but stuff keeps coming up to keep him there longer.

Problem: I dont know if it's because I haven't seen him for a while or if I'm really just not that needy, but I just dont feel that need to be around him that I always hear about. Should I just wait and see what happens when he's finally here?

I have been driving myself crazy wondering what is wrong with me because here is this awesome guy that misses me and wants to be around me, and I am so unsure and feel so detached.

Another thing is, I'm the girl that always feels the need to run away. I get restless and feel like I should be anywhere else or in any other situation. Could that be playing into it?

Anyway, opinions and advice would be greatly appreciated!