How do you ladies get during PMS?


Do yall ever get annoyed over everything a week before your period. I noticed that every month a week/few days before my period i get VERY VERY frustrated over everything or i get REALLY emotional over nothing.

Some examples:

Customer ask for help: annoyed

My bf and i convo on the phone was boring: Annoyed

Sad song plays: crys

Food doesnt come out like i wanted: annoyed.

Calls someone and they dont answer: Annoyed

Sees a dead dog on the side of the road: crys

Just driving to work/school gets me so frustrated.

Like i get annoyed/sad over the dumbest shit. And it annoys me 😅.

But i know its because my period is coming. Once my period comes im back to my happy self. Its like the few days prior everyone needs to beware.