I don’t know what to do anymore!

A little backstory, my husband and I have been together for 5 years. We dated for 2 and was married for 3. We have no children and currently don’t want any. He’s a really big video gamer plays games constantly and if with friends ignores me the whole time. I currently suffer from depression, anxiety, and PTSD. In the past, we use to be very intimate with each other, and we’re basically all over each other.

Now, I’m lucky for him to even have enough energy to socialize with me even in our home. If I even bother him well he’s playing a game he freaks out on me. Saying, your annoying me or I have teammates that’ll get mad at me so leave me alone. He almost is to immersed in the game to take a second for realistic things.

He never has the energy to have sex with me anymore. But I know for a fact that he’s not one of those people to cheat on me, he really despises people like that. I’m a really physically affectionate person and for him to deny me that it makes my body positivity decline and makes it more difficult for to feel good about how I look.

Sometimes I get into moods or fits that cause me to panic or be down for long periods of time. Which will cause me to slack on daily house chores. I feel really bad when I do because I feel like it’s all the time. But when I ask him nicely to do one thing for me cause I have to work late or not feeling good he uses all those times that I didn’t do something against me as reasons why he shouldn’t do it when I should. Sometimes I let it go and just do it because I don’t want to argue. But sometimes I get angry about it and blow up on him which ends up leaving it undone in the end.

I feel guilty all the time because I feel when we fight or argue I’m really mean to him. But I just feel insecure about everything. I talk to him about all the problems that we should work on and improve but every time he just tells me oh yeah I’ll do it or I can work on it. But he’ll work on it for two weeks and then go back to the way he was before.

He says he wants to change but I can tell he doesn’t. He doesn’t believe there’s any problems between us and there’s no need for any counseling. Sometimes it feels like he doesn’t even believe that going to counseling for my anxiety and depression, plus group therapy for my PTSD is even necessary.

I’ve become so frustrated that I just feel like giving up, but I love him and don’t want to give up that I just stick with it.

I did convince him though to go to counseling with me but honestly I don’t know how it’s going to go because I feel it will just be a blame game and nothing will be fixed.

I just feel like I don’t know what to do anymore. Like it’s not worth it.

I just wanted to vent and I want to know what other people’s opinion on the matter.