Serious relationships (long post kind of) cute pictures though

Ochtavea • 18, pregnant with #1 baby boy 💙

When I was 16 I never understood how some people get so heart broken over a guy like yeah sad I cry once then move on but man when I tell you I met my soulmate and I don’t know what I would do without him I mean that met him at 16 now I am 18 almost 19 and I can’t imagine a world without him. When I tell you the way you feel is different with the person you are meant to be with it is so amazing coming home and being able to throw my hair up out on sweats and eat some food with my man without feeling insecure 💙

We are currently in Florida we drove up to key west and these are the pictures 😁😁

And I am pregnant it’s amazing to think the first time we hung out I had no idea this would be the outcome it really is true the best things come when you least expect it and they turn into someone you could of never imagined!