Ex Boyfriend (super long,super sad)


I met my ex boyfriend (we will call him tom) when I was 14 and he was 19 years old. I was at the corner candy shop. I was sitting outside eating my candy. I was wearing a bright yellow dress. He sat next to me. The classic bad boy, black leather jacket,white shirt, etc. And he had a motorcycle. Obviously any parents wouldn't have let this happen. But my mom was always drugged out and my dad was always drunk. And he was a mean drunk. And I had 7 younger siblings I took care of. I fed them,clothed them, I was a mother to them. So I spent every second I could with Tom. When I was 15 years old he gave me a promise ring. When I 15 years old I lost virginity on top oh his truck bed of his car. When I was 16 I became emantipated and started living with him. I dropped out of school. I was 16 when I had my first black eye and busted lip. Tom had punched me because I told him I didn't want to clean or cook or do anything for a week ( wasn't feeling well or something) . And he responded with a punch and I'll do whatever he wants. The next day he wanted to have sex and I didn't so... he waited until I was asleep and made me have sex with him (I told him no). But I loved him. When I was 17 years old. I became pregnant and he didn't want a kid he wanted to get an abortion and I said no I'm going to keep it. I was 25 weeks pregnant and I was laying on my side because it hurt. He walked up to me and kicked me my stomach over and over again. He walked outside and sat on the porch and listened to me cry and scream. I sat there looking a my blood for what felt like hours. He eventually came back in and took me to the hospital. I was so depressed. Also when when I was 17 I've had 3 broken ribs. Broke both of my legs twice. Broke my arm 4 times. And had so many black eyes I couldn't count. And also cheated on me on multiple occasions. in the whole time I was with him. When I was 18 I wanted to leave him and he beat me up more and started to not let me out of the house. For my birthday he snuck me into a club and I meet the man I am currently dating. Tom was talking to some girl so I was sitting at the bar by myself. By this time I drank and did some hardcore drugs and self harmed. And that's when my current boyfriend came up to me. He made me laugh and smile and I was happy. He happened to see a bruise on my arm. And asked me what happened. At that moment Tom came up and squeezed my shoulder and I winced. My current boyfriend gave me his number serectly and wrote on the note "call me I want to help you" I waited until Tom was asleep to leave . I accidentally dropped something and woke him up. Luckily my current boyfriend was waiting outside waiting for me and heard me scream. (We lived in a kinda remote area.) He kicked in the door when he walked I was off the ground being choked while at the same time being pounded against the wall. He beat Toms ass and carried me to his car and dealt with me jumping at every noise until I passed out that night. At 19 years old I'm love with a man that has been through everything with me. Deals with the days I'm super depressed and keeps me clam through an anxiety attack. Stays up with me when I have a nightmare about my ex until I fall asleep even if he has to go to work the next day. I thought I was going to die one day and I hope I did. Now I can't wait for the future and I can't wait to live it with him. I no longer drink nor drugs, and self harm.

Sorry this was so long but thanks for reading:)