Stuck at the moment


So my boyfriend and I have been together a year and a half. My bf met my dad last weekend and my parents were saying why not move back home since it’s easier to get our own place, a car and also more jobs out there. I really want to move back just because why struggle and pay so much just for a small apartment when we could get something better back home? It’s been stuck on my mind about moving back when the time is right but I am scared. I’m afraid that my boyfriend won’t want to go through with it because he has no family out there. I moved with him and sacrificed leaving my parents and siblings and everything I know for him. I know how hard it is and I know it can’t happen overnight. My bf says that he has no problem leaving or moving out there, just he has no one out there and there’s nothing out there (which is not true). We live in California and Home for me is Utah. Idk I just feel like he wouldn’t do it because he can’t leave home no matter how much it makes sense to leave and do better somewhere else this is home for him. Maybe I’m just overthinking it too much but it’s just been stuck on my mind lately.