should i???


so long story short just before Christmas my partner applied and got accepted for a credit card with £500 limit on it but was sent out to us on new years <a href="">eve</a> then my phone broke on new years day evening (typical!!) and been without one since as not had money to replace it as was waiting for the credit card to come through the post well it turned up yesterday and the main computer decided to pack in (fuming wernt the word even though i dont use it) so my partner was peed off and went to get it fixed straight away nearly well that cost £150 to get fixed "as he needs it" so he used the card for that and anything else he spent on it so maybe anything upto another £100 i reckon so so far he spent anything upto half of the credit limit on it already in one day even though he was promising me getting a "new phone" with it before it turned up but as everything was fine i said id wait until "tomorrow" (now today) then all this happened so i was like ok well i wont be getting my phone now as im worrying about paying the credit card back after we just got it so adding maybe another £150-170 onto the card we will struggle to pay it back as he not working at mo and on benefits so im thinking worst case scenario.... so should i get the "new phone" or wait as the £250 will be easier to pay back then basically £400 in a month if he still not working by then

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