TTC Struggling with anxiety really bad!


So today is 10DPO and my AF is due tomorrow. Still getting BFN and the cramping, sore boobs and other symptoms I had for 3 days (which I thought were early pregnancy signs) have completely stopped. I know I should of got my hopes up so much as I just feel so disappointed every time I read a second test. Not at work today so I’m just laying in bed watching Netflix feeling quite hopeless. I also have long term issues with anxiety and depression and TTC is definitely making it worse but what’s the alternative? I want a baby so much!!!!!! After being in an abusive relationship then meeting a guy who loves, respects and trusts me 5 years ago I just want to have a baby with him. I already have an 8 beautiful daughter but we want a baby of our own. Any kind words of support or if you want to share your TTC journey it would be greatly received x