Should I double major?

I am a psychology student. I can’t decide if I want to double major in English or just stick with the one degree. English has always been a passion of mine, I’ve always been really good at it, and I think it might set me apart from other people in the workplace since psychology is such a common major and English would be useful in any position. I also want to open my career options in case I ever decide I want to edit or go into publishing. However, I worry that it would be more beneficial to just focus on psychology and do internships/student research in the time I would have spent getting the double degree, and then go on to get my Master’s in something psychology-related. Also, from all of the English classes I’ve taken so far, I don’t really enjoy them nearly as much as I do psychology. I’d much rather write in my own time than do it in a classroom setting.

I already have a few English classes under my belt, so I would need 10 more classes in English to get my English degree. I need 11 more for Psychology. I’m going to be a junior next semester, so I’m looking at having to either take an extra semester of classes or take 6 classes/semester if I do the double major.

What do you think would be the best option?

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