Someone please reply and shed insight or personal experiences

Maddie • 38 weeks pregnant, with our 1st! Due January 28th 💗

●please comment personal experiences and give insight any information helps as i cant ask any family cause were keeping this personal until it happens.

I ovulated about 4-5 days ago, I had sex 3 days before the day before and day of l, I'm 18 years old and fiance is 21 this is my 4th month trying but first month my boyfriend was home from work on fertile time. I have absolutely no signs of pregnancy besides I'm wet down there and my cervix is extremely high open and the softest it's ever been as well as I'm swollen inside. Normally by now after ovulation my boobs are so sore to the touch on the sides and my under arms. This time completely nothing and no other symptoms besides the first 3 days after ovulation I had off and on nausea everytime after I ate. Should I feel completely out? Please comment and help.