Boyfriend keeps settling for bad jobs


So he’s moving to the same city as me while I finish school bc he wanted to live together, and in looking for a new job his two options so far are another restaurant (he worked for his parents’ Chinese restaurant his entire childhood, then his uncle’s for two more years and he absolutely hated it), and some cleaning thing? He’s 21, has an IT certification but keeps settling for crummy jobs because he “has to find something.” I had the same complaint a couple years ago when he settled for some random manufacturing job that he now also hates because he has to train other people and do their work for them. I’m trying to convince him to find something that’s actually challenging and not something he’ll absolutely hate, but he keeps finding super menial and tedious stuff instead. I know this all probably sounds super snotty and I’m not knocking service or part time workers (trust me, I’m a broke college kid with two part time jobs), I just wish he would acknowledge that he can afford to be picky and find something he’ll like. What do I do?