Husband set up my bad relationship with his parents


Today my husband told me that his mom has a hard time talking to me cause she is afraid I will not like what she says. I do act a bit closed off around her cause I always feel I will get judged as I always have been. My in-laws are pretty religious and have many old fashioned ideals. When we started dating (at 24 years old) he didn’t want his parents to know I slept over his house! He lived with his brother and I had to sneak out before he woke up! He didn’t want to tell them were were going on a trip together cause we would be sharing a hotel room. One time I mentioned I needed to go shopping, his mom asked what for I said a bra. She told him later that I should not of said bra! One time in his moms home town she was concerned about us going to a bar cause we are an interracial couple. She also accused me of “hating Catholics” just because I said I never planned on being one. So from the beginning of our relationship I always felt like the bad one to his family. So when I am around her it’s hard cause I still feel judged and that I am a mean person cause I am not as giddy as she is. Now that we are having a baby my husband thinks all our family issues should be dissolved and her and I should hold hands and skip around shopping for the baby!