My boyfriend always leaves me every weekend...

Kelsey • Little man due May 2019 💙

My boyfriend has a lot of friends, specifically in the neighborhood we live in. Every weekend he leaves me alone at the house while he goes and gets wasted with his friends. I’m at the stage in pregnancy where I just don’t want to deal with people every weekend but my boyfriend can’t seem to sit at home with me like a normal person.

It really upsets me that he constantly leaves me every weekend and thinks it’s okay. I feel like he is abandoning me and I’ve talked to him several times about it, and he listens but then goes back to the same attitude after a week. Let me just also say that I have no issues with him hanging out with his friends but it’s literally every weekend. I can’t remember a weekend where he hasn’t left me all night to go party while I take care of our dogs.

I should also throw in that we would party a lot before I got pregnant, and now that I can’t it just sucks that he leaves me here and has fun somewhere else. It makes me feel like a burden to him.

Anyone else going through this and how did you handle it? I love my boyfriend to death but I’m afraid that he won’t change his ways when our baby comes and that is not gonna fly with me. I’ve been very flexible with him for a while now but it’s starting to get to me.