Pregnancy pee?


So my husband and I experienced a miscarriage late May of 2017 and have stopped trying as hard for a baby. We’ve only had sex once this week and I had ovulation mucus but didn’t take a OPK because I don’t want to stress anything. I’m only 1 day late and don’t want to test because I hate not seeing two wonderful pink lines. I’ve been a little sleepy the past 2 days, not horrible but definitely more than usual and had a bit of back pain. The only weird thing I’ve noticed the past 4 days is when I sit down to pee it smells SO strong. It’s not a bad smell it’s actually kind of sweet (so gross I know) and I’ve seen some women have strong scented pees in early pregnancy. I’ve had a UTI and this is definitely not it. Anybody experienced the same thing and been pregnant? Or experienced the same thing and NOT been pregnant?