Newly pregnant, newly single

I recently found out I’m expecting my second child (I lost my first at 21 weeks last year). So here I am at 6 weeks and I told my child’s father about the baby to which he replied get rid of it I don’t want a baby with you. Imagine my surprise when he was the one who convinced me to try again after our first loss. We’ve been best friends all of our lives and that eventually developed into an intimate relationship. Needless to say I cut his ass off. I’m a woman I’m strong and I can do this on my own. He routinely hits me up threatening me and insisting that I get an abortion. I would NEVER do that! It’s to the point where I’m contemplating a restraining order just so I can have peace and stress free pregnancy. I don’t understand how someone can change overnight and frankly I don’t care. It isn’t about me and it’s definitely not about him anymore. I have a second chance at motherhood and I’m trying to enjoy that and get my baby here safely at full term. I know this won’t be an easy road to go down alone and I’ll have lots of explaining to do years later to my child but it’s what I’ll have to do. So to all the single pregnant moms out there. We got this!