Yeast infection or UTI?

Okay so it all started by having some itching once and a while and then it was only if I touched it like from rinsing the soap from myself while showering sorry for the tmi! But now I have been itching a lot. Sounds like a yeast infection right? Just wait. So now I’m having severe burning not only when I pee but pretty often just sitting around. Buttt is it burning from me itching it?? Bc I will litterly itch it so bad I start bleeding! I also have like watery discharge. But one day I got up and it litterly felt like I peed my pants and checked my underwear and they were full with something I’m guessing pee which would make me think uti bc that’s urinary. I also heard UTIs can itch as well so I’m just at a total loss. I have an appointment Tuesday so I’m just looking for any advice and what people might think in the meantime. I say advice bc I burn so bad and am so miserable I don’t want to go to the hospital bc it’s not an emergency but it litterly feels like I’m being stabbed by 1000 needles or being lit on fire down there ☹️😣😩