

My dr. Thinks that birth control would help me with my fibroids. I have a 6cm fibroids and a 6cm cycts on my right ovary. Dr assured me that it is not cancerous. So, In April dr recommended an IUD cause for the first time I bleed for 17 straight. Dr told me that it would regulate my bleeding. In August I was having pelvic pain and then my period x2 monthly. I was then diagnosed with anemia and then taking iron pills x3 daily. My dr keep on telling me the IUD will work. in November I could not take the pain anymore. So dr. decided to do a pelvic check couldn’t feel the string of the IUD, did Pap smear and ultrasound. No IUD. I told her birth control just give me more problems like blood clots and I never been scared in my life. The pill did the same thing. So, when I went back she recommended more birth control either an implant in my arm or injection. Dr. Ignored my questions if the fibroids Will cause problems with pregnancy. Told her I am 33 and never been pregnant but plan to start a family. She told me she will give me the info about the birth control to think about it even after I said no. So I am thinking about my next steps or find a different dr who can help me cause I am tired of the pelvic pain.