Do you ask/insist that guests remove their shoes when they come into your home?


This is probably too big of an issue in my life right now but I absolutely cringe when someone wears shoes in my house. I am such a clean freak and I have a small house that gets dirty sooo easily. We have a housekeeper come once a month and deep clean and I have an infant son whom I'm trying to protect from germs. I have a boot tray placed next to my front door specifically for people to put their shoes in, but if people are used to wearing shoes in their own house they think nothing of coming right in with shoes on. It's especially gross to me if they use the bathroom, then I always end up washing my bath mat, like I put my bare feet on that! Do you think its rude of me to ask that someone remove their shoes when they come over? Yep I am definitely a controlling germaphobe, who else?

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