Dad not ready to stop co-sleeping?!


I'm wondering if anyone else has dealt with this situation and might have any advice for me. Our 2 year old son has always slept in our room. For about the first 6 months he was in a co-sleeper attached to our bed. Once he got mobile, we transitioned him to a pack n play in our room. He is 25 months, weaned at 21 months, sleeping thtough the night and our second son is due in 3 weeks. I KNOW I can't handle a toddler and a newborn in the same room, our room, so I told my husband we nee ded to make the transition around first sons 2nd birthday. Well, things just keep "coming up" and my husband keeps putting it off. I'm so frustrated and don't want to wait until the new baby comes. At this point, we all go to bed at 8pm and our son falls asleep between us, and then I move him to his pack n play. I'm just so ready and my husband is not. UPDATE: We did it! He slept in his bed in his room all night! Husband and I got him ready like usual, we read a couple stories, then i told him he was such a big boy it was time for him to sleep i his room and put him in his crib. Of course he started freaking out and crying and standing up. But I told him it was time to sleep, I loved him and I wasn't leaving. Like Supernannys technique, I parked myself nearby on the floor and didn't say anyhting or look at him. He cried off and on for 45 minutes. Made me feel sick on my stomach, but I knew he was safe! He laid down and went to sleep at last. Sweet. The really hard part came when he woke at 1245. Supernanny never covered nighttime waking, so I wasn't sure what to do. I rocked him a while to see if he might go back to sleep. no luck. I didn't want to take him back to our bed, so I put him back in his bed and parked myself on the floor again. He calmed quicker, but kept waking up! I sat in there for 90 minutes this time. But he finally went to sleep and just woke up at his usual time, none the worse for wear. Hoping tonight goes better.