

I'm getting married June 22, 2019 and I need HELP!! For the last year my dad has gotten worse with his drinking (again) would it be rude to tell my dad he won't be walking me down the isle unless he quits drinking (he has done it once before) or at least slows down until after my wedding or am I in the right to do it....

The backstory is all my life my dad worried more about going to bars and drinking then his wife and 4 kids at home. We have had our power shut off a few different times (even in the winter) because of his drinking and my mom practically raised all her kids by herself but he got himself sober when he was told he could live with me if he quit drinking and he did quit but then he has been living with 2 of my brothers and has gotten worse with drinking and he won't move out no matter how many times he has said he wants too..

I'm so hurt and upset I keep crying

what should I do?? 😞😞