Out of the blue!


I was making my daughter dinner and out of no where I get this stabbing pain in my lower right stomach area that last for 30 seconds and then it’s gone. So bad it makes me yell out and my husband gets concerned. Stomach felt off and then it was normal after I attempted to make a bowel movement with no luck (so it wasn’t that). Came back downstairs and as I did I felt nauseous. So I started to make my dinner to see if it was that. Then I got so dizzy I had to sit down and my husband gave me water and got me up to the table so I could try to eat. Not that dizzy anymore, but all across my lower stomach it’s tight. I’m about 5/6 dpo and been ttc for 5 months. Could this be a hopeful sign or just my body beating me up? My cycles are longer and I found out 9dpo with my first daughter.