Odd reactions when you tell people you are expecting twins...


Ok girls, I’m struggling right now with one of my BEST friends. When I initially told her we were having twins she made this face like 😒 just total disgust and I tried not to take it personally but it was hard for me not to notice. So I didn’t pay much mind to it. Then the comments started rolling in... “do you even realize how hard that’s going to be... you do know you are going to have to get two of everything....so will you have to have a c-section....” just non stop negativity! Mind you, she is also pregnant. This will be her third and our first. It’s just made me sad that she’s being just plain out rude and insensitive and has really made me push her away and not really want to talk to her anymore. The icing on the cake is this: she texts me one day “just popped up on my news feed” and it’s a link to an article/blog that’s titled “the brutal truth about having twins” and this lady tells her experience of being so big, having stretch marks that were bleeding, being jealous of women pregnant with one wishing that were her... and just on and on about all of this horrible stuff. So I just replied “wow, how positively uplifting” and then she just goes “sorry. Probably shouldn’t have sent that to you” I didn’t respond bc I’m like like wtf is wrong with you? This isn’t how friends act. If I saw that article I would hope and pray my friend who is pregnant with twins wouldn’t see it! But she sends it to me?! Idk guys, between her rude comments to sending me that article I’m just like wtf?! It just makes me sad bc we’ve been friends for so long but I don’t think I’ll be including her in on my life... it’s just time to weed those negative people out and invest time and energy to my loving, supportive friends. Has anyone else had people react like this or say mean things? How do you handle it and what do you say to them? Thanks for reading if you got this far 🥰