Getting Over a Breakup


I'm so sad I don't know what to do. My boyfriend of 4 years and I broke up a few weeks ago, and I moved out a week ago. We haven't talked since I moved out so that we can try to move on, but I caved and showed up at his house last night and we both just held each other and cried. My friends have different work schedules than me so I end up spending my days/nights off alone and it's getting really hard. I try to keep busy with exercise and cooking but I am just so sad. He truly was my best friend but we fell out of love and weren't being nice to each other anymore. He also cheated about 2 years ago and we tried to move on from it but I couldn't. It's so fucking hard because now I feel like I'm idolizing the relationship and mostly his companionship. I feel like we know we can't be together anymore but we both love each other so much. Fuckkkkk when does this feel better :(