False positive?

Hey ladies I got this result this morning (not fmu)

It is pink in person, and it came up within a minute (tests say do not read results after 15 mins) anyways I’ve been having these lines for about a week now so I’m just wondering if they could be false positives? I’ve had about 12 of these lines (obsessive tester I know lol) the first few showed up after time frame so I thought Evaps, but over the past few days they’ve been showing up instantly, just not getting darker? I’ve had no bleeding, anywhere up to a week late for af (could only be a couple days not entirely sure as I can be irregular)

Do you think they’re false positives? Or could I really be pregnant? I’m so confused :( the line not getting darker, just showing up quicker is what’s confusing me the most. Also I had a rude doctor who told me faint lines are negatives so wouldn’t do a blood test (even tho on the box it says any line is a line no matter how faint) so 😭😭😭 sorry for the long post

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