I want a baby.

Hey ladies! I could really use some advice. I am in a very serious, very committed, very loving relationship with my wonderful boyfriend. However, I am struggling. I am happy. I love him. But I want a family. I’m struggling with the fact that my boyfriend has a child with another woman. Of course, before us meeting. I love his child and treat him as he is mine.. but the reality of it is, he isn’t mine. We have discussed the idea of having a family but with some things we have going on right now, we have decided to wait. Which, all in all, may be the best decision. I just feel as if my excitement and joy has been stolen. I have been having the absolute worst baby fever for 6 plus months now. I know I’m being selfish, I am fully aware of that. Any advice on being patient? I want to love someone like I watch my boyfriend love his child. It’s such a special bond. I can’t wait to have that with the love of my life.