Irish twins. 😞😞


Any Mommas with experience or know someone with irish twins? My girl arrived 9/20 and I just got a positive test (NOT TRYING and not planned). I’m honestly freaking out. I can’t stop crying. I feel so guilty. My beautiful girl deserves all my time and love and undivided attention. I can’t help but feel like I’ve let her down, like she has to share us so soon when she deserves to be our one and only world for a while (we honestly weren’t even going to have another). I feel like I’ve failed her. I just want to snuggle her and cry. Not to mention I’m terrified. We had such a hard pregnancy, no dramatics, one of the hardest 8 months my doctor has ever heard of and some NICU time. My husband and I have been in bliss and getting settled into parenthood and now we get this curveball. I feel like an idiot, a failure, and I’m terrified.

Here’s my beautiful Elliebean, that smile is giving me more comfort than she’ll ever know right now.