Flare up in RA in first trimester

Laura • Mumma to our beautiful baby girl who changed my world 💖

I’m writing this post in the hope that someone can put my mind at ease or help me see the light at the end of what feels like a never ending tunnel 😞 I have been in remission with my RA for around 2/3 years and we found we were expecting in December and I’ve been med free for just over a year.

Around the 6 week mark in my pregnancy (now 7+4) I started seeing some old symptoms (stiff upper body, swollen joints in hands, pain in knees) I’m now in a full blown flare up and throw in the extra emotions going on, I wake up in tears most nights. Some of it is from the frustration and the other part of me is just concerned that it won’t subside and I won’t get my remission in pregnancy and I’m not sure I’m ready for that 😓

I’m trying so hard to keep myself med free as I’m conscious it isn’t just me they are going to affect now 👶🏽

I know it’s a long stretch but is there any out there who has been through this too?